Tuesday, April 29, 2008

today 4/29/08

it's one of those fake smiles days...unfortunately only 2 people can tell and it's cuz they know. i guess i'm good at fake smiles or i don't have lots of really close friends. either way it sux.
this weekend is MAJOR for me!! I have the guild on Sat. i can only pray that i do good cuz right now i'm in a bit of a bad shape. then on sunday the exchange kids are coming so i'm really excited bout that.
next week is going to be crazy.
Monday = big AK studies project due (GAY)
Friday = AP TESTING!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH that's gonna kill me
i can't wait until the school year is over. them i get to drive! i have my birthday in Arizona on vacation! and i just get to chill and not worry for like 3 months!
well anyway. i don't really have very much to say right now just cuz it's one of those days where i don't feel like talking...which dont come around often, just ask anyone i know.
so night and i hope your week/day is going much better than mine

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