Sunday, May 18, 2008


from a gayyy bike accident....seriously..i was just goin off a curb and my front wheel jammed and i flipped over. now i have scratches and bruised all over my legs.=[
i think i'm accident prone...what do u think?? rhetorical question...don't answer it.
SCHOOLS ALMOST OUT!!!!!!!! YES i can't freakin wait to get outta hear. but i'm sure that after a few days imma be wishin i was here. i mean i've got all my friends here and i dont know anyone there. and i get to spend my birthday there...not knowing anyone..great.
oh wellsies.

ok what to talk about now... ok...

what to talk about what to talk about.
if you know waht i'm talkin about dance wit me and if you dont then shame on you and you should go you tube it right now!! like seriously my new obsession. it was always played at school dances and i never knew the dance until spring fling. i was taught by some kool kids that were dancin and it just got stuck in my head and now i can't help but get up and dance when i hear it. like seriously. it's the best thing since sliced bread...toasted and smuthered with peanut butter and jelly. like so much peanut butter that it gets stuck to the roof of your mouth and u sit there for like 5 minutes smaking your lips trying to get rid of it.
=]that's how great it is...
the songs passed..
now what.
IT'S BACK...gotta dance. brb
ok i'm done...

now what??

ok i know now i gotta go shower, clean my room pack for Summer vacation, and get ready for school..
l8r g8rs

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