Sunday, December 14, 2008

one more thing. about the anorexia photos. im doing a project for school and i posted them so that i can show them at school for the project. having pictures helps people to grasp the reality of it so yeah.


so i havent written in such a long time. so i thought that i'd stop by and say something...probably alot but whatever. me and my friends were talking and i mean whats the point of a blog? so you can tell people about your life? it's so egocentric. then we figured that when were old and wrinkly we can come back and read what we wrote. read what we thought was important, read what we felt. you know?? i dunno. i mean even now im going back on some of my posts from earlier this year and i mean seriously?? i dont know why i wasted so much energy on this, so much time and emotions on some of these things. kinda silly. ok so whats been goin on in my life?? not too much actually. I timed a ddf meet at west a few weeks ago. that was alot of fun. i met some crazy cool people and i had alot of fun. we finally finished our IB project. the picture one?? oh wait i havent said anything about that yet. ok well we took on a mini-grant project like an anti-drinking campaign. we did a poster campaign but on the desktops of the computer, our message was that if you go drinking one night then the next you wont be there for the people who need you. and we depicted different situations as if one person was missing. it came out really good. hmmmm. then we have finals soon. urrrg. i havent really been studying, which i probably should do because i really need to bring up some of my grades. hmmmm. oh wow. i just heard the funniest thing on the radio. it's like 10 ways to keep a healthy level of insanity. good stuff. there were things like put a garbage can on your desk and label it IN. Page yourself over the intercom and dont disguise your voice. change the coffee at the office to decaff until people get over the cafeine addiction, then change it back to espresso. and sit in your car in a corner somewhere but that your still visible to traffic and point a hairdryer at cars and see if they slow down. haha and #1 maintain a good sense of humor. i think thats so important. keeping a good sense of humor. i mean there are so many grouches out there and they dont realize how much they're missing from life from being grouchy. anywhoo. hmm anything else? i dunno, christmas break starts in 5 days. im really excited! were going to arizona for the holidays. im really excited i love arizona. it's so pretty! well i gotta get goin. gotta finish some homework before company comes over. well much love to friends, much love to people who care. much love to our troops, best wishes to everyone.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

falling apart

i cant help it. i mean is there something wrong with me? why cant i have a stable relationship? why cant i just have a good guy like me for once. why cant it go my way?
every guy that i've been with well it hasn't exactly worked out for me yet. all the guys that i dont have feelings for have feelings for me and vice versa. i mean occasionally there will be a guy who likes me back or a guy who likes me will grow on me and i'll like him back. However this rarely happens and now i feel like everything is falling apart.
recently i got this feeling that there was something that was just empty inside. i mean it wasnt always like this. once when there was this guy who i cared for deeply that feeling wasn't there. but when he screwed me over this giant gaping hole appeared in my heart and i just want it filled again. i thought that maybe i just need to care for someone again, i need to find a guy who i can trust with everything and i can talk to about anything and that can be there for me and that he can feel the same about me. it is so much harder to find this prince charming than it seems. he's one in a million and whats the chance that you'll find him... but im not gonna give up... one day my heart will not be broken and someone will care for me and i will care for them like no other and i will find my prince charming but for now i've just gotta live through the pain and hopefully this pain will go away....

well yeah thats whats been on my mind....i dunno if it makes sense or not but yeah

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

why does this always happen to me...

things never work out for me. seriously. i am really indicisive so when i make my mind up about something it's for real like no turning back and then it doesn't work out. like in this instance i like a guy i couldnt make up my mind about him for a while and when i decided that i liked him i dropped every other guy that i had any feelings for whatsoever. and now it turns out that this guy thinks of me as a sister. phhhhh. and theres no way of me regaining any of the feelings that i had for the other guys because thats how i am. and it hurts because those other guys are really nice guys and they are truly amazing and they deserve the best and gahhhhhh i'm just stuck right now.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


not the movie silly
the song by steven curtis chapman!! if u haven't heard it then you are definately missing out. i got hooked on it from a friend at work who is equally amazing as the song. it's about his daughters and how quickly they grow up and how he isn't going to miss any bit of it.
it's really good. it's insanelly touching and it makes me wonder how my parents see me and makes me realize that they are there for every last bit of everything and that they wouldn't want to do anything other than to be there for me through thick and thin.
if you havne't heard it then go listen away.

^ it's not the video but it's the song and in the info it has the lyrics.


Tuesday, July 1, 2008

lemme know if i'm alone on this one

am i like the only person who has been stood up by the same guy twice?? cuz seriously it kinda seems like it. the most unbelievable part to me is how a guy could do know? like how could u tell a girl that ur gonna be there and then just not show up or even call to say you can't go. seriously i wouldn't be able to do that. i'd feel sooooo awful if i did do something like that..GAHH ok new topic. how about my two favorite men in the entire world...BEN&JERRY!!! OMG i ate like wayyy too much icecream yesterday. but it was reaaaaly good. i had like 2 pints of the chocolate with the brownies in it. OMG yummmmmmm
ok so this is for all the facebook and myspace users...but mostly facebook, you know how u add all those silly applications just cuz like social me and are u interested. yeah...what to me is the sickeest thing in the universe is how nasty some of the other people are. like if your like 60 year old man why would u even tell a young woman that ur interested. That is just disgusting.

ok i think im done with my rant on all that stuff for now.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


i just got back from Arizona. It was totally the bestest time ever! i'll put up pics later.
ok so like right after we got there i had my sixteenth birthday and we just hung out by the pool, went shopping and we went to the olive garden (YUM!)
we went on a few hikes and bike rides but mostly hung out by the pool.
one of my friends Sonja came to visit from Colorado and we went to the Grand Canyon with her. The canyon is seriously one of my new fav. places it's soo pretty. i hiked like 3/4 the way down with my dad then i turned around and he kept going. Eventually i started hiking with this guy named Rob back up the canyon. He was really nice.
Then After the Canyon we met a couple guys at the condo. the first guy we met was Daniel. He's 16 and from wisconsin. i never got his email
Jon is 14 and he lives in the same community as i do and he's pretty chill.
Michael is 12 and he's Jon's younger brother. This kid is seriously like the coolest kiddo ever! he's really chill
Jake...dear god i wanted to drown this kid (i never would that's horrible of u for thinking so) he is 11 and he kept hitting on me. and when me and Daniel and Jake were just chillin and it got quiet for a little bit. jake would yell Awkward!! even though it wasn't. really gay.
then Sonja left and we stayed up that entire night. Sonja, me, my brother, Daniel, Jake and Jon watched movies in the workout room all night. it was funn
then me and my dad went to ASU and asked some questions and then we left and i got home this morning and i slept ALL day and the next week or so are gonna be crazy.

well i'll post pics later from my other comp
much luv

Friday, May 23, 2008


SCHOOLS OUT!!! SCORE! no more studying for finals, no more freaking out over grades, no more anything that has something to do with school. I'm sooo happy about it. summer has started and it is going to be the best summer ever. i can already tell by how it started...(that sentance is drenched in sarcasm...if u can't tell) so today after school i'm just walking down freshman hall @ school (ewwww) and i pull out my phone and it slips and i drop it. Then it falls apart into it's separate pieces. At first i totally freaked out but then i saw everything was ok and that i could still put it back together (this definately wasn't the first time that my phone has fallen apart like that) so i'm picking up the pieces and this really nice girl is helping me and some random beeeotch comes up and steps on the most important piece (the little electronic board thing inside) and the connecting cable (from the board to the frame) rips and that's like what turns the screen on and whatnot. so then i get really pissed, only to remember that i have to get a poster from a class. so i get my poster get in the car drive home and i am sooo i decide to take a i'm just napping away and then like 10 min before my mom gets home my brother is like mommas gonna be home in 10 min and if ur room isnt clean then we arent going to the place to fix ur i rush to clean my room and my mom gets home yells about how dirty everything is and then says we're not going but we cleaned the kitchen and our rooms and then we left. So we're just chillin at the dimond center waiting in line for someone to help us and when we get there the lady says "the only thing i can do is sell you a new phone...i have no idea what to do with this" so yeah, i got pretty mad. and then my mom went to the AT&T place and she gets herself an iphone which is pretty nice and so i get her PINK razor. so i'm happy about that. then we went to SUBWAY!! by the icerink to eat...theres two guys working and they are FABULOUS!! seriously if u live in anchorage go to the dimond subway on friday nights. the one guy with really dark hair he can multitask like no other. me and my brother made our orders @ the exact same time...he did it PERFECT...then the other guy with light hair. he's really nice and really cute! he reminds me of the guy on the OC...u know the rebel one. ahhhh my feet hurt. ok i moved...they're ok.
so now i'm just chillin at the airport...doing nothing but writting on blogger and talking to a few friends. nothing really special. GAH I CANT WAIT TO GET ON THE FREAKING PLANE SO THAT 4 DAYS CAN PASS SO IT CAN BE MY BIRTHDAY!!! (which is on the 26th...don't forget it)well anywhooo i still have like an hour until boarding.
imma go walk around cuz i have nothing better to do...
L8R G8R'S!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


so what i want to know is why parents just can't understand how stressful finals week is. seriously so i let my room get a little outta hand. ok a lotta outta hand but i'm the only one who comes in here and i'm planning on cleaning it right after i get home from the last day of school tomorrow. it's just frustrating cuz i KNOW that they had finals when they were in highschool so i don't know why they can't see things from my perspective... i really just want to get out and go away for a bit. i'm lookin at the sunset outta my window and it's freakin georgeous!! last time i saw a sunset this pretty was in mekoryuk...but the sunsets there were different. they were like seriously the most amazing sunsets i've seen anywhere! haha, don't you think it's odd how everywhere you travel sunsets look different even though it's all the same sun?? hmm i wonder why.

the day
the frustration
the anguish
the final
the suspence
the relief
the A

that's something a friend wrote about finals...i dunno she asked me to post it so let me know what u think of it so i can let her know.
well imma head out to bed
l8r g8rs

btw if u still haven't you tubed the cupids shuffle. DO IT!

Monday, May 19, 2008


check out the video for what i've done by linkin park...really good video.
ok so
omg my mom will not listen. she wants me to do IB program at my school but i don't nevessarily want to but at the same time i'm not sure of the benefits so i keep telling her that im going to think about it. right now my schedule is set up so that i'll go into the program in the fall but i can always get out of it if i don't like it. it's so weird i never would have thought that i'd be thinking about college yet. I mean i'm not even 16...almost in 7 days =] but at this time in my life i am being asked to choose a path for myself for the next 40 years. a career that i am going to have to stick with for along time. What if it turns out that later in life i don't like what i'm doing? then what...i'm kinda screwed there. oh well a new topic

writing on whatever is on my mind is so much harder than it seems. if your reading this then give me a topic to write about and i'll do it. don't doubt it. well unless i don't want to write about it then i wont but if its a good topic then i'll write about it
well imma head off to bed.
l8r g8r

Sunday, May 18, 2008


from a gayyy bike accident....seriously..i was just goin off a curb and my front wheel jammed and i flipped over. now i have scratches and bruised all over my legs.=[
i think i'm accident prone...what do u think?? rhetorical question...don't answer it.
SCHOOLS ALMOST OUT!!!!!!!! YES i can't freakin wait to get outta hear. but i'm sure that after a few days imma be wishin i was here. i mean i've got all my friends here and i dont know anyone there. and i get to spend my birthday there...not knowing anyone..great.
oh wellsies.

ok what to talk about now... ok...

what to talk about what to talk about.
if you know waht i'm talkin about dance wit me and if you dont then shame on you and you should go you tube it right now!! like seriously my new obsession. it was always played at school dances and i never knew the dance until spring fling. i was taught by some kool kids that were dancin and it just got stuck in my head and now i can't help but get up and dance when i hear it. like seriously. it's the best thing since sliced bread...toasted and smuthered with peanut butter and jelly. like so much peanut butter that it gets stuck to the roof of your mouth and u sit there for like 5 minutes smaking your lips trying to get rid of it.
=]that's how great it is...
the songs passed..
now what.
IT'S BACK...gotta dance. brb
ok i'm done...

now what??

ok i know now i gotta go shower, clean my room pack for Summer vacation, and get ready for school..
l8r g8rs

Friday, May 16, 2008

car wreck...

not...almost thou...yesterday i was a drivin in the costco parking lot and some bigg truck started backing out when i was behind it tryin to park on the other side of the 'lane' and i totally just froze. i hit the brakes and then gas...forgot i had a horn and the entire time this guy just keeps backing gay!! anywhoo that was yesterday and today i am soooo over it.
in my 6th hour there was like 5 people cuz it's a junior class with a few sophomores and the juniors had fly up or whatever it's called. it's almost like senior fun day except for juniors and they just take their place as seniors.
wooo i am sooo excited
well there isn't anythin to talk about so imma head out
l8r g8rs

Monday, May 12, 2008


haha exactly a week since i've written...
ok so last week the exchange students were here and it was a blast. one week of funn!! on friday i had my AP history test...gah!!! crazy dbq! and yes i did write this is sparta in the middle of it and crossed it out. and YES it was funny. friday night was the mekoryuk kids last night so we went to the dimond center for a bit met up with Hazel (harvey and delcie were with us) and we hung out there for a bit and had pizza @ round table...then we went to blockbuster and rented the descent and one missed call. i watched movies with delcie and my brother with harvharv. me and delcie made a fort out of the futon and it was pretty small...just cuz we're big girls now. (haha) and so we had to crawl underneath then we watched the descent and afterwards we were like freakin out just cuz under the futon reminded us of the small space that they had to crawl through in the movie... but it was good besides the retarded was that?? then we decided to watch one missed call in the light and it wasn't that scary. like it was intense but not scary...good movie thou. then we just layed around and talked and played with my hamster and talked and layed around some more...then we went to bed around 2 and then they left on saturday morning. my house feels so empty without them here. like not even kidding! hmmmm then i did homework on sunday oh and on saturday i biked about 13 miles from my house to gooselake and back!! way proud of myself. and now i have a butload of school work to finish for friday and finals are next week so i gotsta study for that...GAH!!! well imma head to sleep...

Monday, May 5, 2008


Mekoryuk kids are here!! i'm really excited. Harv-Harv is staying @ my place and delcie will be joinin the clan in a few days.
omg math is sooo complicated and boring. we're in the introduction to trigonometry and i wanna burn my book!!! no joke.
then i have a buttload of tests/projects this week and i can barely find time to study for the AP test. hmmm i think imma go study now. no imma eat then imma study. yup that sounds right..
AHHH i'm so excited that they're finally here

Thursday, May 1, 2008

finally had a real smile kinda day

whatever was bothing me...well i got over it!! i had a really good dady today and i don't know why. i'm more stressed than ever and i'm still freaking out but my smiles were real and i was just enjoying myself.
I finished the stupid slideshow for the Mekoryuk project. well it's not stupid it's really important it's just that Phillips is just like nagging on us about it but she like never gives us time or anything and it's really frustrating.
i also have a global warming project due tomorrow but i get an extension till monday.
hmmm i'm almost caught up in history
my guild is after tomorrow and i still have to clean a butttload for when Harv-Harv gets here cuz like seriously it's a mess. the room where he is staying is wayy clean like top to bottom but there's still alot to do.
i just realized how much i LOVE this thingy. it's soo much easier than writting everything down on paper...totally saves a billion trees right there.
hmmm i just drank a butla of water and it tasted like soap..nastay!!
well imma head to bed. but yeah
night night

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

today 4/29/08

it's one of those fake smiles days...unfortunately only 2 people can tell and it's cuz they know. i guess i'm good at fake smiles or i don't have lots of really close friends. either way it sux.
this weekend is MAJOR for me!! I have the guild on Sat. i can only pray that i do good cuz right now i'm in a bit of a bad shape. then on sunday the exchange kids are coming so i'm really excited bout that.
next week is going to be crazy.
Monday = big AK studies project due (GAY)
Friday = AP TESTING!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH that's gonna kill me
i can't wait until the school year is over. them i get to drive! i have my birthday in Arizona on vacation! and i just get to chill and not worry for like 3 months!
well anyway. i don't really have very much to say right now just cuz it's one of those days where i don't feel like talking...which dont come around often, just ask anyone i know.
so night and i hope your week/day is going much better than mine

Saturday, April 26, 2008


today was lameo!! well not totally...the morning was. i woke up ate breakfast then i had to go shovel the 18-20 inches of snow outside...gah...then i went inside took a shower then i took a nap for an hour. then i got dressed and we headed out to the dimond center!! i saw DELCIE!! OMG i love her! we didn't really get a chance to hang but she's coming up next week for the student exchange that i went on but they're coming here. got it?? ok well anywhoo. we went to go see prom night instead of Baby Mama cuz it was sold out. let me save you 9 bucks. don't see it wait till it comes out on dvd then rent it. It was good but not that good. very predictable and instead of screaming we were laughing at it. but it was good. but not that good.
i much would have rather seen baby mama with amy pohler and tina fey.
yeah that was my day. doesn't it sound exciting??
now i'm playing with scissors!!! WOOO
now i'm running with gonna stop me? didn't think so
ok now i need to stop being stupid
ok...imma go do math homework
l8r g8r

friday 4/25/08

today was a good day. This morning i had a math test..boooo then we had a sub in english and we goofed off in spanish then in 4th hour i gave a presentation on the Nazi-Soviet Pact and it was good till people started asking me questions and my brain ran away from me. but it was ok. Then 5th hour we goofed off and same with 6th hour. After school me and priscilla had nothing to do and we decided to go watch NYO state @ the sully and we would walk except we were wearing ballet flats AND it snowed all day long!!!! yesterday it was 60 F and sunny and nice and today it's 30 and snowy and blahhhh. so we were asking everyone and then priscilla called a friend to ask her dad if he could give us a ride and this is how it went
p "hey tony"
t- "who is this?"
p "it's priscilla"
t "oh i'll give the phone to Priscilla)
(p = priscilla apone priscilla = yansickles)
p "well i actually called for you"

then she asked for a ride and he was like sure and he came from his house to give us a ride to the sully. !!! yay
once there we called Delcie and omg we were like where you see us waving or are we waving at random people...she was behind us. it was funny.

so @like 3:30 -4 my dad picked me up and i went home watched a movie, showered blowdried my hair put on the dress i borrowed from priscilla searched for shoes and did a littttle make up and then @ 7:45 we left for the dance...
priscilla was my date. =]
i danced with 3 guys of which i knew 2 and 1 was cute. but the one that was cute was like a year younger than me and i had no clue who he was. i didn't get to dance with the guy i thought was hot because 1 i was to shy to ask him to dance. 2 i couldn't find him on the dance floor.
anyway my dad picked us up @ 10:30 and we left ... the dance ended @ 11 but like a bunch of people were drunk and we didn't want to be driving with drunk teens. yeah not a good combo there.
the roads are sooo bad cuz of all the snow. @ my house it snowed like 2 feet and it's expected to be the same tomorrow and sunday. so 2 feet a day for 3 days that's 6 feet in 1 weekend GAY!!!!!
well anyway. i'm eating twislers after i brushed my teeth so i have a strawberry mint flavor in my mouth. well it's getting late and i have to shovel the stupid driveway tomorrow so imma go brush my teeth again and go to bed

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

ok i promised Nazi-Soviet Pact here's Nazi-Soviet Pact

like seriously this is soo interesting. i'm about to pee myself from excitment. (jk)
ok so NSP (Nazi-Soviet Pact) it's a pact between Russia and Germany.
Poland, France and Britain all had an alliance with eachother. So when Poland was attacked (it was inevitable that it would be) then France and Britain would come to her aide. So Stalin (russia) tried to make an alliance with Britain but it didn't work because neither of them trusted eachother and Stalin gave up because of the little effort that britain was making to make the alliance. So then Hitler (germany) offered an alliance with russia. Now stalin had two choices. to make the pact and fight with Germany to gain poland and split the land or fight against germany and probably loose land. Stalin chose the 1st one.
The only reason that Hitler even agreed to making an alliance with russia was because Poland and France and Britain already were allianced with eachother and the only other major power was Russia but mostly because Hitlers goal was to take over Europe entirly and if he attacked Poland with Russias alliance then Britain and France would feel too threatened by the large military force and they would be forced to give up Poland and Danzig. So Hitler only did it because of Poland. Everything in the pact revolved around Poland.Get it?? i didn't at first but you'll get it eventually. so anywho they made the pact and the world was soooo surprised because Stalin viewed grimmly upon the Nazi regime and Hitler hated communists (which Russia was a communist country at the time) so everyone knew that the Pact wouldn't last because of their differences and distrust for eachother.
i'm done
but seriously GOOGLE it. no joke, the more you find out about it the more intruguing it is.
l8r g8rs


Just chillin at school.. bein bored, drawing circles on katie's back. that's how i spend my third hour.
Guild is in a week and three days.. AHHHHHHHHH! I still have to memorize a frickin song and it's going to take fifty billion years!! Oh well.. I also have to get my nails off for it which is gay.
For NHS, we have to do a silly carwash, for who knows what. 4-6 on friday, after which is sadie hawkins! I'm borrowing Priscilla's dress for the dance, since I don't have one. It's a grey tube top, with ruching on the tummy. I don't know what shoes i'm going to wear just yet, but i'll get it figured out. Unfortunately, we also have to read a novel for spanish and make some kind of a project to do with technology, like a website or powerpoint. LAMO
We're going to the zoo tomorrow too! We have to get filmed talking about the animals that we're been researching for the past week. i can't wait just cuz it's the zoo and we getta act like kidzzz!!! WOOOOO
anywhooo. i just checked out my first book of the year from the school should be proud.
I also started research on the Nazi Soviet Pact and it is soooo interesting but imma talk about that l8r me and katie are gonna bathroom go
l8r g8r

Monday, April 21, 2008

i hate school

especially math. I mean when are you ever going to use logarithms in your life?!? ok i mostly hate it cuz i have a D but what ev i'll bring it up. then AP history test is in like 3 weeks. that is wayy too much pressure for a 15 year old gal. seriously. and im like a week behind in that class. but no worries i'll catch up.
ok so the thing that happened with my friend KT @ her job @ the library. she told me today that she had security walk her to her dad's car (who drove to her work) and he drove her to her car and then she went home and they didn't see him. but i and mikala saw him.
i got ALOT done today. a bunch of work and i cleaned my room and the office (where i do my homework) oh and my hamster cage it was nasty.
haha i love the song they're playing on the radio. it's called Manic Monday by the Bangles. I LOVE that song like no other. i also love the song from the movie Juno. LOVE that movie like no other.
NYO state is this weekend. i can't wait cuz it means that delcie is coming!! yay
and dallas is here but i cannot seem to get ahold of that girl
OMGOMGOMG so after school is out and i get back from AZ and i get a job imma go talk to Laura. She's the lady who owns the modeling agency in AK. i don't really want to take her freaking classes but like at the same time i want to sign with her. but who knows what'll happen. hopefully something good. but i gotta get my grades up to be able to do that.
phfffff i hate school...
OMG I LOVE THIS song. say what you need to say by i forgot his name....goooooood song. it was in the movie the bucket list.
that was a goood movie.
OMG so since i got back from Mekoryuk i've picked up beading and yesterday i finished my first pair of earings. i probably already wrote about that but what ev.
i'm tired. so imma head to bed
haha that rhymed
l8r g8rs

Sunday, April 20, 2008


so i beaded earings today!! yay. made me happy. then i finished my reading notes for chapter 24...still have 2 to do and a dbq then i finished AK studies work. i also had a piano recital today. pretty exciting...there were good refreshments and i didn't mess up once!
my parents and i watched this odd movie called raising the red lanterns. about some asian culture and one guy having 4 wives and all these odd customs. i stopped watching it cuz it just wasn't my taste. i don't like watching movies about some girl a few years older than me living such a hard life...well i don't really have much else to say. but yeah
l8r g8r


i don't really have much to write about...except that i am wayyy bored. today...well yesterday since it's passed 12 i got to wake up @ 7:30 to go judge middle schooleres multilingual marvels. I participated in it as a middle schooler and i thought it would be cool. it's a competition...kinda there aren't only 3 winners. everyone is a winner. yay and theres lots of categories to choose from. if trivia isn't your thing then you could cook something. or recite a poem. or perform a skit or a dance. But it was fun and i got alot of yummy fooooood!!!
then we drove to Lussac Library and i did alot of homework. my friend KT works there and the scariest thing happened(this doesn't happen often thou)
ok so this guy ordered 1/2 a cup of coffee so KT charged him 75 cents. he paid with a dollar. right after KT put the dollar in the reister and got his quarter change another guy asked if he could get change for a five. KT takes the five and puts it on the counter. She gives the guy his quarter and the other guy 5 ones and he leaves. then the first guy asks why is there only a quarter i paid with a five (referring to the five on the counter) KT tells him that he is wrong. He goes on to say that he wants the security tapes reviewed. KT calles security and explains the situation and he goes to review the tapes. He returns to say that from the video he cannot tell and goes back to his office. The man goes on to say thanks for the 1/2 cup of coffee (in a sarcastic tone...which is what he ordered) and as he is putting sugar in his cup he started to cuss (KT's friend was there) and he said that he would rip his f***ing head off. and Kt got sooo mad and said in a stern raised voice for him not to use profanity towards people in the cafe but he continued. then security (who was watching the moniter) came in because he saw that it wasn't ok and he asked the man to step outside but he refused. eventually security got him to leave but he said he would wait for her to come out. When i left with my mom and brother i saw a guy who looked like he was waiting for someone so i called KT and i asked her what he looked like and what he was wearing and i told her that he was waiting for her outside and for her to leave with security. Then another one of her friends made it to her car and i saw that she was calling kt too to let her know. As we drove off i saw him and a partner hide in the bushes next to her car. I don't know what happened yet or if anything happened but imma ask KT on monday and i'll let you know. but yeah it was scary stuff
well @ 3 pm today i have a piano recital so i better get some sleep before that.

Friday, April 18, 2008

about me

well i guess this is where i talk about myself...i always thought that it was weird to talk about me...ick oh well here goes nothing
so i love to travel. my first trip was when i was like 2 and i went to Poland with my momma. i have been all over the world. my goal is to go to all the continents. i only have to left. Asia and Antarctica. umm my favorite place has to be Mekoryuk or Australia.
i play the piano and i have for 11 years. my teacher enjoys holding me back so i'm FINALLY entering year 2 intermediate for the guild!! yay! i really like playing classical and contemporary pieces.
i am 15 years old, my birthday is may 26. i try really hard in school even though it sux. i hate tests. i always freak out MAJOR and forget everything!! gah...
i have a little brother. he's not that little thou he's only a grade younger than i am...thank god for that. if he was in the same grade i swear i would like punch him in the face. btw i'm in 10th grade. .so he's in 9th. me and my brother are really close thou. parents are the bestest.
we live in AK and we have a condo in AZ...
i'm pretty girly. like no joke. the 2 words that i say wayyyy too much are like and OMG... i like to dress up on occasion but my typical outfit is jeans and a tee shirt.
My bestest friends are Priscilla and Katy!! I LOVE THEM TO DEATH!!!! no way i'd be able to like do anything without them.
ok i guess that's it for now..if you gots any questions then ask and i'll add more here later
l8r g8r

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

something i've noticed

why do people think that a good joke means bashing someone? today a "friend" told me that i looked good and i said thanx but i was suspicious about it because he never really complimented me before. later i found out from another "friend" and he said that my first friend only said that cuz someone said that he couldn't lie to me. when i confronted him about it he said that he was only joking and that all his friends thought it was funny.
It wasn't, it was really mean and hurtful. What i want to know is how did it get that way? why can't we go back to when the best joke was one of the knock-knock kind? Now people think that it is funny to be mean.
Now my first friend said that this is my opinion and that i am entitled to it. and that he thought that it was funny so he will continue doing so. Now i can't be the only person who thinks that it isn't funny,can I? i sincerely hope not because that would suck...

I've also noticed how ungentlemen like boys are becoming now. Like on my last trip to Mekoryuk the guys were really nice. If there was a door to be opened they got it. and their jokes actually were funny without bashing other people. Why can't boys in the city be like that??? that is why i have decided to get the giantest helicopter ever and the biggest crane thing and move my house and my bestie p-dizzles house to Mekoryuk and we will live there forever. and if that doesnt work then we will lasso giant eagles and fly to Mekoryuk then build an igloo and live in it forever!

that's it for now
l8r g8r

Monday, April 14, 2008

mekoryuk broke up with us

so very 2 days ago i got back from the most amazing trip of my life! i went to Mekoryuk, AK on a student exchange trip. i got to do a bunch of krazy kool things like watch reindeer being cut, make earings like bead them myself and everything, and ice fish. most importantly i met some of the coolest people that i have ever met in my life! @ first i was like hmmmm ok kool i'm here now what but after like an hour we were all besties and it's gonna stay that way for life! unfortunately mekoryuk broke up with the 4 other girls that went with me and myself and we are back in anchorage. yay...=[ i never realized how big Anchorage was and how badly i want to get a giant helicopter and crane and just lift my house and move it to Mekoryuk until now. as badly as i want to do that i cant...cuz i don't think that there is a helicopter that is big enough. BUT i have made myself a Mekoryuk jar and i am saving up to go back and visit. so far i have $4....I am sooo on a roll here. psh. but anywho i love the people i met and i will always love them but right now i gotta go pee and then imma go to bed