Wednesday, May 21, 2008


so what i want to know is why parents just can't understand how stressful finals week is. seriously so i let my room get a little outta hand. ok a lotta outta hand but i'm the only one who comes in here and i'm planning on cleaning it right after i get home from the last day of school tomorrow. it's just frustrating cuz i KNOW that they had finals when they were in highschool so i don't know why they can't see things from my perspective... i really just want to get out and go away for a bit. i'm lookin at the sunset outta my window and it's freakin georgeous!! last time i saw a sunset this pretty was in mekoryuk...but the sunsets there were different. they were like seriously the most amazing sunsets i've seen anywhere! haha, don't you think it's odd how everywhere you travel sunsets look different even though it's all the same sun?? hmm i wonder why.

the day
the frustration
the anguish
the final
the suspence
the relief
the A

that's something a friend wrote about finals...i dunno she asked me to post it so let me know what u think of it so i can let her know.
well imma head out to bed
l8r g8rs

btw if u still haven't you tubed the cupids shuffle. DO IT!

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